ワールドの最大人数: 80人 |
ワールド容量:60.56MB |
カテゴリ:景観 |
ワールドの内容:Quest対応 地球 | 宇宙 |
ワールドの説明: Click on the START button to watch the animation | The Overview Effect Experience is designed for VR events provided by Together with TRIPP․ The space presents a VR animated simulation of the phenomenon known as The Overview Effect‚ defined by the space philosopher prof․ Frank White․ We take the position of the entire human kind as we try to understand the precious value of our planet and how can we help Earth and ourself to survive in a better way․ | Executive Producer˸ Nanea Reeves & TRIPP | Together with TRIPP | Design concept by VRium Creative Team website˸ vrium․io | Art direction & graphic design˸ ShuShu | Immersive animation‚ design & shaders˸ Niko Lang | Sound design by David Starfire | DOP˸ Carlos Austin | Creative Director and meditation Guide˸ Jeremy Nickel | Text & Voice Over by space philosopher Frank White (frankwhiteauthor․com)| VRChat group˸ Together with TRIPP | TRIPP․3947 | TRIPP website˸ tripp․com |
ワールド:Overview Effect Experience - By THE SHUSHUhttps://t.co/dTxIXrkDUz
— チョコマロン@VRC (@choco_kk_nono) November 8, 2023
今週の #VRChat pic.twitter.com/g5FEevAXQv
— エゾの民 「 ゆきかの 」
世界名:Overview Effect Experience
最後は、地球の上を歩いて、「ぼーくたち地球人っ」って歌いたくなる世界だよっ pic.twitter.com/4dgqSWioapメタバース画像芝居系Vtuber@VRChatワールド紹介 (@yukikano1192) November 6, 2023
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